Action Needed – New Abortion Clinic

From Brenda:

Dear pro-life friends,
I am forwarding this excellent email from Sarah Livingstone, pro-life leader from St. Michael’s church. We need to take action immediately on this important matter! So many lives could be saved if we act immediately.
Catholics, please consider having Masses offered up for the individual members of this family, and for the late-term abortionist, Dr. Charlie Browne:

From Sarah:
As many of you know, there is a new late-term abortion clinic that has opened downtown at “The 511 Building”, also known as the “Portland Medical Center”. Here is the Strategy List we can up with that we think is most effective to close Lilith Clinic, especially through having its lease pulled which could be in the works:

Strategies for Stopping/Closing New Lilith Clinic Late-Term Abortion Facility:

1. Email & call ‘511 Building’ owners – The Menashe Family – 3 separate emails to Barry Menashe (Father), Jordan Menashe (Son) & Lauren Menashe (Daughter) and ask them to cease the lease with new Lilith Clinic.

[Sample letter below]

We have confirmation from people who have spoken to them on the phone this week that Lilith Clinic is not what they thought it would be and they are not happy about them being tenants in their building. We really need to PRAY for the Menashe’s to end their lease with this late-term abortion facility.
* See Attached Email Letter to the Menashes I wrote and attached flyer – Please personalize your letter/email and attach the flyer which provides more information on why Lilith Clinic would not be a good tenant for the building and its surrounding businesses.

Here are the 3 email addresses to send your email letters to:

Barry Menashe (Father – Founder & Principal)<>

Jordan Menashe (Son – CEO, Principal)<>

Lauren Menashe (Daughter – Principal)<>

2. Pray & protest in front of Lilith Clinic at 511 Building. As always, please be peaceful and careful and have at least one person with you. We are there to help women and save their preborn babies lives and to let people know that late-term abortions are now being performed there.

3. Let 511 Building tenants & local businesses know of their presence:
Hand out flyers (see attached flyer). Let the tenants and neighboring businesses know that a late-term abortion facility, Lilith Clinic, is in their building or next to their building and that we will be protesting and praying in front of it. (See my attached letter for more talking points on this).

4. Spread the word!
Let everyone you know through social media, person-to-person, etc about downtown Portland’s new late-term abortion clinic. Most Portlanders do NOT want a late-term abortion facility here nor to become a destination spot for late-term abortion as Lilith Clinic is promoting.

PLEASE SEND YOUR EMAILS TO THE MENASHES ASAP! They are on the fence about revoking Lilith Clinic’s lease and they need to hear from us. AND PRAY!

Thank you all for your work for LIFE! Christ, the Victor, is on our side and He will help us protect His most innocent children and support their mothers!

In hope and prayer,

[Example email]

Dear (Barry, Jordan or Lauren) Menashe,

Hope this finds you well. My name is Sarah Livingstone and I am a professional fashion designer, mother, doula, proud Portlander and pro-life activist. I lead the downtown St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church’s Pro-Life Group and am involved in 40 Days for Life. I am writing you today because I am very concerned and disappointed in finding out that you are leasing in your 511 Building, #904, to the new late-term abortion facility, Lilith Clinic, which opened for business a few days ago, on Friday, March 19th. I am imploring you to end your lease with this new late-term abortion facility, not only for the sake of your business, reputation and legacy, but also in shaping what Portland stands for and the many babies that will lose their lives at your building and whose mothers lives and hearts will never be the same.

Here are a few points of interest that I think you should know about and consider in leasing your 511 Building to the Lilith Clinic:

  1. Late-Term Abortions Performed at Lilith Clinic:

Lilith Clinic will be performing late-term abortions up to 22 weeks gestation, 5 and ½ months old for the pre-born baby. Babies this age can live outside the womb with help. These babies are given NO anesthesia before they are brutally killed. It is a 2-3 day procedure and these women will be coming back and forth to your building to complete this barbaric ‘procedure’ as they call it.

The owner of Lilith Clinic is late-term abortionist Charlie Browne. He was Seattle based and is known for late-term abortions and claims to train others how to be abortionists. His late-term abortion facility in Seattle is now named the ‘sister’ clinic to Lilith Clinic and is called All Women’s Care. Abortions are performed up to 26 weeks gestation – that is weeks into the 3rd trimester at 6 and ½ months along for the baby. Late-term abortions are VERY expensive – thousands of dollars. They are not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts for others. This is big business for and very profitable for late-term abortionist Charlie Browne who is now in your 511 Building.

Many obstetricians have publicly come out to say that there is no reason for late-term abortions. A woman can have a cesarean section and deliver the baby whether it is for the life of the mother or fetal demise. Late-term brutal abortions are neither necessary nor humane.

  • Concierge Service/Flying in Clients to Portland for Late-Term Abortions:

Lilith Clinic’s website repeatedly promote their ‘Concierge Service’ where they will fly a woman in, arrange car travel from the airport directly to their clinic and arrange hotel accommodations for her late-term abortion. This is not even about helping women in our community of Portland as they claim to do. They want Portland to be a mecca and destination spot for late-term abortions while making big money off of them. Their Seattle clinic’s website boasts, “Women from all over the world choose us.” So not only are they trying to fly women in nationally, they are trying to fly women in internationally to have their business of late-term abortions. As I mentioned above, late-term abortions are very expensive and they are very profitable for them. What they are promoting is Portland to become a go-to destination for late-term abortions – all happening in your 511 Building downtown. Do you want this? Does Portland want this? Most of Portlanders would certainly say NO! Even most pro-choice people are against late-term abortions. Please do not allow this to occur in your building and turn our beloved downtown Portland into a late-term abortion destination spot. This will change Portland dramatically. Downtown Portland is still exhausted and damaged from all the civil unrest of this past year and this will only reignite it in front of your 511 Building.

  • Biomedical Waste (Aborted Babies) Disposal & Storage:

How will the refrigeration and disposal of biomedical waste (aborted baby parts) be handled in your 511 Building? Where will it be stored? Will your tenants and their patrons be using the same elevators that have waste containers of baby parts in them? This does not make for good business or the happiness of your tenants and their patrons in the 511 Building.

  • Training Facility Safety Issues:

Owner and abortionist Charlie Browne states he wants to train students to do abortions at Lilith Clinic. Late-term abortions are already risky as the pre-born baby is so large and it takes 2-3 days to complete. This sounds like a recipe for disaster in safety – having students ‘practice’ and learn on women for late-term abortions. It also sounds like they will be using these vulnerable women who come to them for late-term abortions as guinea pigs for training. Do you want this occurring in your building?

  • Frequent Emergency Ambulances to 511 Building:

At late-term abortion facility Lovejoy Surgicenter in NW, that closed this past January, they had frequent emergency ambulances come to take women to the ER due to abortions gone wrong. Usually this is from a perforated uterus, where a hole is punctured in the uterus during and abortion and the woman could bleed out and die. She must be rushed to the ER when this happens. Do you and the tenants in your 511 Building want frequent ambulance visits? I would imagine not. It is not good for business and will upset your existing tenants and patrons.

  • Protesters & Counter-Protesters & Police:

Your 511 Building is about to have a lot of people praying and protesting outside it because pre-born babies are being killed through abortion in Suite 904 at the Lilith Clinic. While the groups I am involved with (St. Michael’s Pro-Life Group & 40 Days for Life) are peaceful, some others are not. We hope to offer women resources to help them choose life, like maternity homes, rent support, free ultrasounds, baby registries, etc. As we all know, downtown Portland has been a hotbed for civil unrest and rioting this past year with protesters and counter-protesters. The location of your 511 Building downtown could attract Antifa groups and other violent counter-protesters. With all this of course comes frequently police activity there and presence. Again, I ask you, do you want this at your building?

  • Reputational Risk & Bad for Business – Tenants & Neighboring Businesses:

Leasing to Lilith Clinic is a reputational risk that I would imagine the Menashe family does not want nor need. You have built a great reputation here in Portland with your thoughtful and well planned development. I have some friends who know your family personally and they cannot believe that you are leasing to a late-term abortion facility and keep telling me it must be a mistake and that they think you will stop leasing to them. I hope and pray for this as well.

Your tenants in 511 Building are going to inevitably be bothered by one or many of the above points I mentioned – whether it’s protesters, biomedical waste (aborted babies) disposal next to them, frequent police and ambulances, etc. Also your neighboring businesses are not going to be too happy about it as well. The new Ritz Carlton Hotel being built right across the street is about to have protesters and people praying on their side of the street as well facing your building. Nearby Jake’s famous restaurant – a Portland and family institution here – will certainly not appreciate the protesters and counter-protesters and police activity, nor that they are now a neighbor to a building where late-term abortions are performed. None of this is good for anyone’s business. But most importantly, people do not want to be right next to a late-term abortion facility. It is very disturbing to most people and they will boycott those businesses.

  • ‘Lilith’ Clinic Meaning:

Are you familiar with what ‘Lilith’ means? Lilith is from the old Hebrew Bible meaning ‘demon’ that claims she was Adam’s first wife who rebelled. Irish poet James Joyce named her the ‘patron of abortion’ as unborn children were to die and be ‘stolen’ in her presence. Is this the kind of tenant and name that you want associated with the Menashe’s and your properties?

I, along with many in our Portland community, am imploring you to end your lease with Lilith Clinic. Contracts can be broken, especially if you did not know what it all entailed with your tenant’s business. I am hoping this is the case as I have admired Menashe properties in Portland for a long time and how you have thoughtfully considered Portland and its citizens in your development. This seems out of character for the Menashe family that I have come to respect and admire. You can unwind this. You do not need to house a late-term abortion facility for many reasons.

Please see the attached flyer that has been mailed to tenants to 511 Building and handed out to neighboring businesses by the Portland pro-life community. It has some facts and sources you may find interesting and disturbing and not want your building involved with.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration on this. Leasing to the new late-term abortion facility, Lilith Clinic, is going to cause you more problems and grievances than it is worth as well as reputational risk. Most importantly, you have the opportunity in shaping our beloved Portland towards a culture of life and not having it turn into a mecca and destination spot for late-term abortions in your building. Do you want Portland to embody more a culture of life or a culture of death? You have the power to greatly influence this. Many of us Portlanders are hoping and praying you will stand for what is just and lease to tenants who support a culture of life. Please let us know if there is anything we can do in assisting with this.

In thanks and hope,

Sarah Livingstone