(Holy Rosary Parish, Portland, Oregon) of the Western Dominican Province
Happy Thanksgiving from the Province
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Let us spend the day giving thanks to Our Lord.
Below is an email from our Provincial, who will be offering Mass for us today. May Jesus protect and bless us all, Have a blessed day and a Holy beginning of Advent, Denise
As a perpetual reminder of our gratitude for God’s mercy and love, let us never forget that the word “Eucharist” is from the Greek for “thanksgiving”. Happy Thanksgiving! Today we celebrate all of God’s good gifts: our family, our friends, our country, and especially the gift of our faith. In a special way, we Dominicans remember you and the blessings that you have shared with us— gifts that make our life of preaching possible. Most importantly, we remember your devoted friendship and prayers. Thank you for standing with us as we radiate the joy of the Gospel to a world that often forgets what we should be truly thankful for: the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I’ll be celebrating a special Mass for you and your loved ones today. So, no matter where you are, know that we friars are there with you in spirit. May God bless you, and happy Thanksgiving!
In Christ, Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. Prior Provincial