
Lenten Day of Recollection from St Alberts

Dear Dominican Family, 
We of the St. Albert’s Chapter hope that your Lent has already been full of many blessings!

Our chapter would like to invite you to our Zoom Lenten Day of ReflectionSaint Joseph: The Virtues of St. Joseph and the Providence of GodSunday, March 13, 2021, from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM with Br. Andrew Thomas Kang, O.P.

Please feel free to post the flyer and invite any who may be interested. Also, please register. Once registered we will send you the Zoom link for the event. Click Here to register. 

May St. Catherine and St. Dominic bless you today and always, 

Katie Osenga, O.P. Saint Albert’s Chapter, treasurer