
Thanksgiving Baskets, etc.

All chapter members are requested to help in some way with the annual Thanksgiving Basket program.

The Holy Rosary Chapter, with help from Holy Rosary Parish, the older CCD students, and the Knights of Columbus, distributes around 100 baskets of food to the needy in our community and parish. Over half of these go to residents of low income housing near Holy Rosary church. Need is high this year, with unemployment and isolation being factors.

Ways to help include volunteering to do shopping, help in assembling the baskets, and of course monetary donations. To volunteer, contact our Prioress, Cecelia Hoesly, at ceceliahoesly @, or by phone at 971-506-5117.

Also, since we have not been meeting in person, we have not had a chance since February to ‘pass the basket’. To support our chapter, please send a check to ‘Dominican Laity-Holy Rosary Chapter’ with your donation intention on the memo line, to

  • Rosary Center
  • Attn: Cecelia Hoesly
  • PO Box 3617
  • Portland, OR 97208

Thank you!

Prayer requests – from Denise Harvey

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This is an urgent prayer request for our LPC member, Dirk Fulton from the Benecia chapter. Many of you know that Dirk owns a vineyard in Napa, which is currently under the threat of fire. The photo below, taken this morning, shows how close the fire is.

He needs our prayers now!

Also, please pray for our LPC member, Susanna Arkin, from the Eugene chapter, who recently lost her home in the Oregon fires.

Let us be united in prayer for our brother and sister. And please send this to your chapter members, so they can join us in prayer.

Thank you and God bless you, Denise

                  Subject: This a.m. from our Winery

Dirk Fulton, Vintner The Vineyardist Estate Winery Diamond Mountain  Napa Valley, California

Here are those we are currently praying for in our Chpater:

  • A friend of Roberta’s named Megan, who is told she only has a few days to live. Update: She passed on to the next life on 9/29, so let us pray for her to rest in peace.
  • Felicia Summerfield is battling pancreatic cancer.
  • John Fazio has parkinsons disease.
  • John White had brain surgery and has heart disease.
  • Mary Vaetz is isolated in a foster care home.
  • Justin and Tiernan, student and friend of Garth’s, who are looking into the faith.
  • Chris, Jenny & Eva, family of Jessica Yoder, close to the Napa Fire.
  • Susie King, recovering from shoulder surgery.
  • For the repose of the souls of Bill Halvorson and Fausto Villazan (Antonia Valdes’ uncle).

And of course the intentions listed for our days of prayer and penance in union with the Dominican Order

Archbishop Sample-National Day of Prayer and Fasting-Sept. 24

Please join us in the National Day of Prayer and Fasting for God’s mercy on our land and the healing and conversion of our hearts.

The hope is that the entire country, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all people of good will, would set September 24 aside as a true holy day, forego food until dinner, and pray for the conversion of hearts.

Learn more at

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New Lecture Series

From Denise Harvey, LPC President:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Fr. Augustine mentioned there is an ongoing lecture series by Fr. Thomas Aquinas, on Tuesday evenings. It began last night, but continues through October 6. The series focuses on a just world from a Catholic perspective. This is very timely given the upcoming elections. See details below.

Stay well and stay holy!



by Fr. Thomas Aquinas

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM,  September 15 – October 6

Live-streamed via the Parish website:

“In the midst of social unrest and political turmoil, many of us feel uncertain about how to move forward as a nation. This is all the more reason to look at the foundational principles of Catholic Social Teaching. These principles form the basis for how Catholics participate in, shape, and guide the society in which they live. Join Father Thomas Aquinas Pickett, O.P. for four contemplative talks that, while not addressing any contemporary issues, help us see what a just world looks like from the viewpoint of Catholic tradition. There will be a forum for Q&A at the end of the talk on the web page.”

From the Master: Days of Prayer & Penance

(Please read all the way to the bottom)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Here is a request from the Master of the Order to participate in a “Triduum of Penance”, from October 4-6 (See details below). Each community (chapter) can determine the type of communal penance that they want to practice.

This is a beautiful proposal. And since it is a request from our Master, to the entire Order, I strongly encourage every chapter and member to participate. Everyone can perform some sort of penance. Our world and Church needs your prayers and sacrifices.
On this feast of the Holy Name of Mary, let’s give Her the gift of our fiat!

May Our Mother Mary bless you with many graces,



Dear Brother Provincials and Vice Provincials ; dear brothers and sisters of the Dominican Family,

Here is this new proposal – from an idea of the Promoter of the Rosary – in these delicate times. Please send it to the members of your entity/region.    On this day when we commemorate the Holy Name of Mary, and invoking her protection on the Order,


fr. Gerard Timoner, OP


Upon recommendation of our Holy Rosary Chapter council, our chapter will implement these specific actions:

October 4-6:

  • Fasting and Abstinence (with the regular rules regarding fasting according to your state in life)
  • Daily Rosary with these intentions (plus your own): in suffrage for those who died during the pandemic; for the intentions of their bereaved families; for those who continue to suffer the effects of the pandemic; for those who work to alleviate their suffering. Also all of the above intentions for those affected by the wildfires, and that the civil unrest will come to a just resolution and lasting peace.
  • Pray the Litany of Dominican Saints and Blesseds.

Litany of Dominican Saints and Blesseds

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the heavenly Father, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins, pray for us.
Saint Michael, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

All you holy angels and archangels, pray for us.
All you holy patriarchs and prophets, pray for us.
All you holy apostles and evangelists, pray for us.
All you holy martyrs, pray for us.
All you holy virgins and widows, pray for us.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.
Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us.
Saint Augustine, pray for us.
Holy Father Francis, pray for us.

Blessed Jane of Aza, pray for us.
Blessed Reginald of Orleans, pray for us.
Holy Father Dominic, pray for us.
Holy Father Dominic, pray for us.
Blessed Bertrand, pray for us.
Blessed Mannes, pray for us.
Blessed Diana, pray for us.
Blessed Jordan of Saxony, pray for us.
Blessed John of Salerno, pray for us.
Blessed William and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Ceslaus, pray for us.
Blessed Isnard, pray for us.
Blessed Guala, pray for us.
Blessed Peter Gonzalez, pray for us.
Saint Zdîslava, pray for us.
Saint Peter of Verona, pray for us.
Blessed Nicholas of Paglia, pray for us.
Saint Hyacinth, pray for us.
Blessed Gonsalvo, pray for us.
Blessed Sadoc and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Giles, pray for us.
Saint Margaret of Hungary, pray for us.
Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza, pray for us.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Saint Raymond of Penyãfort, pray for us.
Blessed Innocent, pray for us.
Blessed Albert of Bergamo, pray for us.
Saint Albert the Great, pray for us.
Blessed John of Vercelli, pray for us.
Blessed Ambrose, pray for us.
Blessed Cecilia, pray for us.
Blessed Benvenuta, pray for us.
Blessed James of Varazze, pray for us.
Blessed James of Bevagna, pray for us.
Blessed Benedict, pray for us.
Blessed Jane of Orvieto, pray for us.
Blessed Jordan of Pisa, pray for us.
Blessed Emily, pray for us.
Blessed James Salomonio, pray for us.
Saint Agnes of Montepulciano, pray for us.
Blessed Simon, pray for us.
Blessed Margaret of Castello, pray for us.
Blessed Augustine Kazotic, pray for us.
Blessed James Benefatti, pray for us.
Blessed Imelda, pray for us.
Blessed Dalmatius, pray for us.
Blessed Margaret Ebner, pray for us.
Blessed Villana, pray for us.
Blessed Peter of Ruffia, pray for us.
Blessed Henry Suso, pray for us.
Blessed Sibyllina, pray for us.
Blessed Anthony of Pavonio, pray for us.
Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
Blessed Marcolino, pray for us.
Blessed Raymond of Capua, pray for us.
Blessed Andrew Franchi, pray for us.
Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.
Blessed Clara, pray for us.
Blessed John Dominic, pray for us.
Blessed Alvarez, pray for us.
Blessed Maria Mancini, pray for us.
Blessed Peter of Castello, pray for us.
Blessed Andrew Abellon, pray for us.
Blessed Stephen, pray for us.
Blessed Peter of Geremia, pray for us.
Blessed John of Fiesole, pray for us.
Blessed Lawrence of Ripafratta, pray for us.
Blessed Anthony della Chiesa, pray for us.
Saint Antoninus, pray for us.
Blessed Anthony Neyrot, pray for us.
Blessed Margaret of Savoy, pray for us.
Blessed Bartholomew of Cerverio, pray for us.
Blessed Matthew, pray for us.
Blessed Constantius, pray for us.
Blessed Christopher, pray for us.
Blessed Damian, pray for us.
Blessed Andrew of Peschiera, pray for us.
Blessed Bernard, pray for us.
Blessed Jane of Portugal, pray for us.
Blessed James of Ulm, pray for us.
Blessed Augustine of Biella, pray for us.
Blessed Aimo, pray for us.
Blessed Sebastian, pray for us.
Blessed Mark, pray for us.
Blessed Columba, pray for us.
Blessed Magdalen, pray for us.
Blessed Osanna of Mantua, pray for us.
Blessed John Liccio, pray for us.
Blessed Dominic Spadafora, pray for us.
Blessed Stephana, pray for us.
Blessed Adrian, pray for us.
Blessed Lucy of Narni, pray for us.
Blessed Catherine of Racconigi, pray for us.
Blessed Osanna of Kotor, pray for us.
Saint Pius, pray for us.
Saint John of Cologne and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Maria Bartholomew, pray for us.
Saint Louis Bertrand, pray for us.
Saint Catherine de Ricci, pray for us.
Blessed Robert Nutter, pray for us.
Blessed Alfonsus and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us.
Saint Dominic Ibáñez and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Agnes of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Martin de Porres, pray for us.
Blessed Peter Higgins, pray for us.
Saint Francis de Capillas and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Juan Macias, pray for us.
Blessed Terence O’Brien, pray for us.
Blessed Ann of the Angels, pray for us.
Blessed Francis de Posadas, pray for us.
Saint Louis de Montfort, pray for us.
Saint Francis Gil, pray for us.
Saint Matteo Alonso, pray for us.
Blessed Peter Sanz and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Vincent Liem, pray for us.
Saint Hyacinth Castañeda, pray for us.
Blessed Marie Poussepin, pray for us.
Blessed George, pray for us.
Blessed Catherine Jarrige, pray for us.
Saint Ignatius Delgado and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Joseph Diaz and Companions, pray for us.
Saint Dominic An-Kham, pray for us.
Saint Valentine Berrio-Ochoa and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Jean-Joseph Lataste, pray for us.
Saint Francis Coll, pray for us.
Saint Arnold Janssen, pray for us.
Blessed Hyacinthe Cormier, pray for us.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us.
Blessed Bartolo Longo, pray for us.
Blessed Maria Alfonsina Danil Ghattas, pray for us.
Blessed Josefina Sauleda Paulis and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Buenaventura García Paredes and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Celestino José Alonso Villar and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Enrique Izquierdo Palacios and Companions, pray for us.
Blessed Maria Ascension of the Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Blessed Michael Czartorysky, pray for us.
Blessed Julia Rodzinska, pray for us.
All you holy Dominicans, pray for us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Let us pray
God, source of all holiness, you have enriched your Church with many gifts in the saints of the Order of Preachers. By following the example of our brothers and sisters, may we come to enjoy their company forever in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

October 7

Pray the Glorious Mysteries at 8:00 PM, wherever you are. We can’t live stream it, but Any live streams available will get links here.

From St. Albert’s, Western Dominican Province

From The Province

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This is a busy week in our province! Here’s a reminder of the events:
-Last Saturday, Br. John Winkowitsch made his solemn profession. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

-Thursday the 3rd, our new novices will celebrate their vestition day. Please take the prayer pledge to support them spiritually.

-Saturday the 5th, Brs. Michael Thomas, Kevin Peter and Xavier Marie will make their first profession. As many of you know, Br. Michael Thomas is the son of two of our laity members.

-September 19, Br. Gregory Liu will be ordained to the priesthood.
Please keep all these beautiful OP men of God in your prayers.

Finally, please join the Friars in our Saturday Night Rosary. This week, Fr. John Marie Bingham will be leading the prayer.

Be well and be holy!


Click to see the posts from the Province.

And here are the brothers vested!

Ordinations Mass – Bishop Samples

Dominican Rosary Aug. 22 7 PM

Saturday Rosary with the Dominicans | 7pm PDT

I was so happy to see hundreds of you join me for the Rosary last Saturday. We’ve now planned to livestream another Rosary today at the same time (7pm). Would you like to join us?

With the help of our Blessed Mother, uniting ourselves to Christ in prayer will help us all persevere through the challenges of the pandemic and society.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join us again today for the Dominican Rosary at 7pm Pacific. Your prayers for the world are needed and appreciated!

Click Here at 7pm to Join the Rosary on or via

This Rosary will be led by my Dominican brother, Fr. Brad Elliott, O.P., who’s currently completing his Licentiate at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C.

Please continue to share this email with anyone you think would be interested in praying with us. And thank you for your continued prayers for the Dominicans.

Sincerely In Christ and St. Dominic,

Fr. James Moore, O.P.
Vicar Provincial for Advancement

P.S. The Rosary will be prayed in the Dominican tradition, which uses the ancient formula of the Order. It actually pre-dates the contemporary way, and is based on the liturgy of the hours. It’s simple, and uses prayers you know. Just follow along as best you can and you’ll do great.

The Order of Prayers for the Dominican Rosary

All: Sign of the Cross

Leader: Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.
All: Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of they womb, Jesus.

Leader: O Lord, open my lips.
All: And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

Leader: O God, come to my assistance.
All: O Lord, make haste to help me.

Leader: Glory be…
All: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, a world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

The mysteries then proceed as normal.

Important Update RE: Laity Sunday – from the Prioress

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We will meet for 8:30 Rosary and 9:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary Church as planned; however, I received word from the parish this very afternoon informing us that a LIVE Chapter Meeting in Aquinas Hall this weekend is cancelled.  The Archbishops directives regarding religious meetings of up to 50 people will not apply to a Dominican Laity meeting. When I argued that we are a religious group the explanation is that term “religious meeting” is restricted to sacramental meetings such as Holy Mass, funerals, weddings, and baptisms.

Therefore our schedule has changed to the following:
8:30 am – Rosary in Holy Rosary Church (for those who did not sign up, please say the rosary privately at home)
9:00 am – Mass in Holy Rosary Church (for those who did not sign up please live stream the Mass from your home)

We will NOT be allowed to set up a virtual Mass in Aquinas Hall so if you did not sign up for the 9:00 am mass please live stream the 9:00 am mass from your homes or attend an alternative mass if possible, and then join the ongoing education meeting at noon via ZOOM. Calvin will send an invite to the ZOOM meeting in a separate email.

Morning Prayer – We will say our morning prayers privately at home.
Refreshments – We will allow time for everyone to drive home from Mass, grab a bite to eat at home then begin our Zoom meeting.
ZOOM – Noon to 1:30 pm Business Meeting & Ongoing Education Meeting

I will send the meeting agenda in a subsequent email.

We were not given much notice of this change in policy but it could not be helped.  The regulations are changing weekly and Fr. Corwin could not have predicted this sooner.

I am so grateful that many of us have the opportunity of attending Rosary and Mass together and know that these difficulties due to the pandemic storm will come to an end eventually.

The Peace of Christ be with you all.

In Our Holy Father St Dominic,


New Novices Prayer Day

Subject:Our new Dominicans need you!
Date:Wed, 19 Aug 2020 19:50:42 +0000 (UTC)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We have 7 new Novices (postulants) in our province! Please take the pledge below and promise to pray for them on September 3rd – our annual Novice Prayer day (the day of their vestition, when they take the habit). And please continue to keep all our brothers in formation in your prayers.

Stay well and God bless you! Denise

Novice Prayer Day

From the Prioress re: Bill Halvorson

Subject:Prayers for Mary Halvorson’s brother
Date:Wed, 19 Aug 2020 11:19:08 -0700
From:Cecelia Hoesly <>
To:Cecelia Hoesly <>

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Bill Halvorson passed away on Sunday August 16th.  His daughter was at his bedside and the rest of the family was able to be with him virtually at the moment of his death.  We offer our sincerest condolences to Mary and her family.  Please continue to pray for the repose of Will’s soul and for his family who are grieving his loss. 

In St. Dominic,