
Happy Feast Day from Denise

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy St. Dominic’s Day in advance! Since I will be at an event on the 8th, I want to wish you a blessed feast day in advance.

May St. Dominic and all the Saints and blesseds of our Order intercede for you, your families, our Province and Church.
May our Holy Father Dominic, together with Our Lady, protect and guide you.
May your lives be holy so as to one day join the honor roll of Dominicans.
You are in my heart and prayers always, God bless you on this feast of the Transfiguration,

[ Denise Harvey, Lay Provincial Council President ]

“You are my companion and must walk with me. For if we hold together, no earthly power can withstand us.” – St. Dominic to St. Francis

 Litany to St. Dominic:

Prayers of St. Dominic

From the Prioress

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On August 23, 2020 we will be allowed to attend our Dominican Laity meeting in person, in Aquinas Hall and attend the 9:00 am mass at Holy Rosary Church.  We will say our Rosary together in Holy Rosary Church at 8:30.   There is still a limit of 50 people that can attend the mass and there are only 23 spots available.  Calvin and Garth and I have already signed up and it is very easy to do.  All that is needed is to go to and click on sign up for Sunday mass, scroll to August 23rd and click on it.  If you have signed up in the past your information will already be stored and all you will need to do is click on submit and watch the confetti fall down over the page to show that you have successfully reserved a spot at the 9:00 mass.

Initial Fomation Class for Postulants and Novices will be at 7:30 am in Aquinas Hall. (Check web page for updates)

If for any reason there are members who cannot get into the Mass, there will be a computer set up in Aquinas Hall where they can attend the 9:00 am Mass virtually.   Following the mass we will meet in Aquinas Hall to say the Morning Office.

Please go to the web site and sign up for the August 23rd mass immediately.  To view the ongoing education assignment for the August meeting go to

There will be NO ZOOM meeting this month. 

FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED AT MASS AND DURING THE MEETING, social distancing of 6 feet must be observed at all times.

Thank you,

Cecelia Hoesly, Prioress
Dominican Laity, Holy Rosary Chapter
375 NE Clackamas St
Portland OR 97232

Update from the Province

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020, 12:58
Subject: Chapter Reports

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you, your chapter members and families, are doing well.

Also, as a Dominican Family, we have a few very important feast days to celebrate in August:
August 2:   Blessed Jane of Aza – Mother of St. Dominic

August 5:   Feast of Our Lady of the Snows – Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major  

August 6:   Transfiguration of Our Lord  

August 7:   Fast and abstain on Vigil of St. Dominic  

August 8:   FEAST OF ST. DOMINIC!  

August 15:  Assumption of Our Lady – Solemnity  

August 22:  Feast of Queenship of Our Lady  

August 28:  Feast of St. Augustine – Rule adapted by St. Dominic

Finally, please join me in praying this novena to our Holy Father Dominic. It begins today and ends on August 7th.

Stay in touch, stay well and stay holy,


Promoter General of the Rosary

We received this from the Promoter General of the Dominican Order for the Rosary:

Dear brothers,

I would appreciate your help in informing the Confraternity of the news that as Promoter General, I invite Dominicans and friends to pray a Live Rosary with me, every Friday at 8pm (London time = GMT+1) on my new YouTube channel <>. Thank you, and God bless your good work in Portland.


fr Lawrence Lew, OP
Promotor Generalis pro Rosario
St Dominic’s Priory (The Rosary Shrine)

Southampton Road
London NW5 4LB, U.K.

Mobile: +44 7814 368045

n.b. This is at Noon, in our local timezone (PDT), on each Friday. It is also archived, so you may pray with him at anytime!