

Today’s Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation will be livestreamed from St. Albert the Great Priory Chapel at 5:00pm PDT. Click here to watch the Mass.

Fr. James Thompson, O.P., Prior of St. Albert the Great Priory, will be the preacher.

Sunday Mass for March 29th will again be livestreamed from St. Albert the Great Priory. To watch, simply click here.

Know of our solidarity with you during this pandemic.

Sincerely in Christ and St. Dominic,
Dominican Friars
Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

P.S. Here is the link to masses at Holy Rosary.

News from the Province

Dear Brothers and Sisters, (3/21/2020 11:58 AM)

I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

Below is a letter from Fr. Augustine regarding Sunday observance during this time. We must do our best to observe the Sabbath, even though we are dispensed from the Sunday obligation. In his letter, Father gives us guidance and reference points to aid us. Please distribute this to your chapter.

Also, if anyone needs anything, or would like to talk or pray, please feel free to call me anytime. I would be happy to help in any way I can, or simply pray the Rosary with you.

God bless and protect you,

Denise (Harvey, Lay Provincial Council President)


Dear Dominican Laity,

As we enter into the first week when all dioceses in the United States have cancelled public worship on weekdays and Sundays indefinitely, we have an assurance from Christ and His church that worship still goes on. First, your priests are celebrating Masses for you and for your intentions every day. Second, we worship in spirit and truth and no one can take away our acts of worship. Finally, the work of worship is the work of Jesus Christ who says two things that we must remember: I and the Father are one and I will never leave you, I am with you always. So our worship continues.

But our Sunday obligation is so much more than going to Mass on Sundays and this is what I want to speak about. While we miss the public work of the church on Sundays, the church has always spoken of many things to do to observe our Sunday observance. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#2183) mentions that if we cannot participate in the Mass, we can participate in another public act of worship, the Liturgy of the Hours. If you have the four volume set, I suggest you also read the readings for the Office of Readings (Matins). We follow the Israelites through Exodus and have the saints to help us to understand the larger works of God and His church. Also, if you have the Magnificat Lenten reflections, you can read these.

But the Sunday observance doesn’t end with God. The third commandment to observe the Sabbath in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy both have reasons, but two different reasons. One speaks of resting as God rested on the seventh day. The other is to rest because we have been freed from the slavery of Egypt and have a duty to rest from work, which can enslave us. The rest with God is our Sunday observance in Mass and other prayers together. But our rest from the slavery of work is the rest which rejuvenates and proves that God truly is the Lord of the Sabbath. God has made the sabbath for us. We must take it that way.

The first duty that comes with the Sabbath rest is being able to serve our family and reaching out to the elderly in our midst. This is difficult, but not impossible in the age of phones and internet, but has never been impossible since the invention of letter writing. Let us reach out to those who are lonely. This can also include an elderly neighbor. You can even make a grocery run for them during the week, if this seems appropriate.

The second Sunday work is a work of recreation. This can include reading for leisure, relaxing in works of nature or creating works of beauty. God’s work in us is to model and image the Creator. May God be praised in our works of leisure and beauty.

May you all be able to rest in the Lord this Sunday and every Sunday. May this Sunday teach you new and wondrous ways to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Remember to pray the Salve Regina every day for those who have died during the day.

I end with prayers for all of you from St. John Chrysostom. “The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away; as it seemed good to the Lord so has it come to pass; blessed be the Name of the Lord forever.”


Fr. Augustine, OP


For protection and healing from the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 19 – 27

“In prayer the Holy Spirit unites us to the person of the only Son, in his glorified humanity, through which and in which our filial prayer unites us in the Church with the Mother of Jesus.” (CCC #2673)

Fr. Joseph Sergott, OP, the Director of the Rosary Center and the Promoter of the Rosary Confraternity in the West, will celebrate a special Mass each day for these intentions and your intentions. He also invites bishops and priests to join the Novena by celebrating Mass in their private chapels.

We ask you to participate fully in the Novena by:

1) Making a Spiritual Communion each day during the Novena, and
2) By praying the Rosary each day during the Novena.

Daily Mass is available on EWTN. We will not be streaming the Mass at the Rosary Center. Also, masses available from the Archdiocese of Portland. And here is the Western Dominican Province’s Corona virus resources page.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has issued special indulgences in light of the worldwide pandemic. Please see this!

Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

St. Alphonsus Liguori (from

Novena Prayer

O Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, the Father chose you and entrusted to you the unique role of caring for Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. As Mother of the Church, and Patron of the Universal Church, respectively, God continues to bless us with his grace through your intercession; thus, we ask for your intercession now, for the Lord’s guidance and protection in our time of need. Through this Novena of Masses and Rosaries, we pray for peace and freedom from anxiety, protection from COVID-19, for victims (living & deceased) of the virus and their families, health care workers, those working on treatments for the virus, those suffering economic hardship caused by the virus, civil and religious leaders that they make wise and prudent decisions, Rosary Confraternity Members (living & deceased), as well as the many intentions received through the Rosary Center and those held within the hearts of all who are participating in this Novena. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

(Mention Petitions)

(Pray your daily Rosary)

March Meeting and Corona Virus

Dear Brothers & Sisters in St. Dominic,

Given the declared pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, Archbishop Alexander K. Sample has issued directives & dispensations. His communication to the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon is here.

In response to the Archbishop’s directives the Council of Holy Rosary Chapter has unanimously decided that the prudent action for our chapter is to cancel the March 22nd, 2020 Dominican Laity Chapter meeting. 

We pray that the effects of this illness will soon subside and that we will be able to meet as usual but in the meantime we will observe the directives recommended by our Archbishop Alexander Sample.

Our web page has Lenten News items that may enhance your Lenten reflections, messages from our Provincial Promoter, Augustine Hilander, O.P. and Denise Harvey, President of the Dominican Laity Provincial Council.

May the blessing of this Lenten Season bring us ever closer to our Risen Savior.

In the Love of Christ,

Cecelia Hoesly
Prioress of Dominican Laity, Holy Rosary Chapter
1331 NE 3rd Ave
PO Box 3617
Portland OR 97208-3617

Lenten Prayer

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we begin the Season of Lent, I thought it would be good for us to share in a common practice, for the intentions of our Church.

Fr. Augustine suggested the following prayer composed by St. Catherine:

      “Love immeasurable, in yourself you show us the world’s need, and even more the Church’s need because She is founded in your Son’s blood, and in Her that blood is preserved.

         You show us, too, the love you have for your vicar – Pope Francis – because you have made him the minister of this blood. So I shall contemplate myself in you so that I may become pure, and thus purified, I shall cry out in the presence of your mercy so that you may turn the eye of your compassion toward the need of your bride, and enlighten and strengthen your vicar.

        Enlighten also, most perfectly, your servants, so that they may counsel him rightly and sincerely. And make him willing to follow the light you pour into them”.

Let’s pray this prayer daily as one body through the intercession of Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Dominic and St. Catherine.

Please forward this to your chapter members.

Also, as a gift to us, Fr. Augustine will be celebrating a monthly Mass – throughout the year – for our chapters. Below is the schedule of dates. If your chapter has any special intentions during a particular month, please send them to me.

       March 25th The Annunciation

       April 29th St. Catherine of Siena

       May 24th Translation of the relics of St. Dominic

       June 18th Bl. Hosanna of Mantua

       July 4th Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

       August 2nd Bl. Jane of Aza

      September 28th St. Lorenzo Ruiz

      October 30th Bl. Benvenuta Bojani

      November 8th for all OPL Holy Souls. (You can send the names of your deceased chapter members)

      December 8th Immaculate Conception

May God grant our Holy Mother Church, our Order, Province –  and all of us – an abundance of grace this Lent.

May we experience the joy of renewal at Easter.

God bless you,

Denise Harvey

Lay Provincial Council President

To Contact Denise, Send email to Calvin @, and I will forward it to her.


Over the last 800 years, the Order of Preachers has celebrated the holiness of 103 Saints and 374 Blesseds in the Dominican family. Their witness serves as a model for all of us, especially during Lent. So as we continue our observance of this holy season, may we be inspired by their words of wisdom and follow in their example, persevering in the disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.


“For we pray in truth when we do not think about other matters. Thus the soul must first be purified, and thoughts about temporal concerns must be set aside, so that the pure eye of the heart may be directed truly and simply to the Lord.”
–Saint Albert the Great, O.P.

“Lift your heart and your thoughts a little to that sweet and most holy cross, in the face of which every burden is as nothing. Desire to endure a little temporal pain to be spared the eternal pain that we deserve for our sins. Be comforted by the love of Christ crucified.”
–Saint Catherine of Siena, O.P.


“Fight the good fight, my children, against our ancient foe, fight him insistently with fasting, because no one will win the crown of victory without engaging in the contest in the proper way.”
–Saint Dominic de Guzman, O.P.

“Diligently set yourself apart from everything which lasts but a short time. Wisely purify yourself of everything which has the guise of creatures. Confidently be lifted heavenward with Christ. Firmly rule your natural self with prudence.”
–Blessed Henry Suso, O.P.


“Often we do not know what we should do or what should desire, but charity teaches us everything necessary for salvation…This is because where charity is, there is the Holy Spirit who knows all things and who leads us in the right way. Charity effects perfect joy in a person. Likewise, charity effects perfect peace and gives a person great dignity.”
–Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P.

“Take care most diligently that you do not lose patience at work, or a readiness in obeying a command, or become negligent in performing works of charity. Always live in a state and with a conscience that is certain; never presume to live in a state in which you would be afraid to die.”
–Blessed Humbert of Romans, O.P.


“Now, my child, we are celebrating a season when running and enduring are more necessary than we are accustomed to. For when we consider the depth of the mystery of redemption presented to us during these days, how much more should we not endure and persevere!”
–Saint Catherine de’ Ricci, O.P.

“Stand firm with the road marker of contemplation, surrounded with the guideposts of penance. In the thought of your heart, descend into hell, and through that thought, ascend into heaven. Strengthened by this thought, turn your attention to the highway and concern yourselves with entering upon a safe road; strive zealously, lest you fall and lose your way.”
–Saint Louis Bertrand, O.P.

Original Post at

Litany of the Dominican Saints

Sorry I missed this back on November! From Denise Harvey, our Lay Provincial Council President:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy Feast Day of All Dominican Saints!

May you be blessed through the intercession of our brothers and sisters in heaven as you strive for holiness.

Below is the Litany to Dominican Saints and Blesseds. May they intercede for you as you strive for holiness, and one day be counted among them.

God bless you! Denise

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary,  Pray for us. (repeat after each line)
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
St. Michael,
St. Gabriel,
St. Raphael,
St. Joseph,
St. John the Baptist,

All you holy angels and archangels,
All you holy patriarchs and prophets,
All you holy apostles and evangelists,
All you holy martyrs,
All you holy virgins and widows,
All you holy men and women,

Bl. Jane of Aza,
Bl. Reginald of Orleans,
Holy Father Dominic,
Bl. Bertrand,
Bl. Mannes,
Bl. Diana,
Bl. Jordan of Saxony,
Bl. Ceslaus,
St. Peter of Verona,
St. Hyacinth,
Bl. Sadoc and Companions,
Bl. Giles,
St. Margaret of Hungary,
Bl. Bartholomew of Vicenza,
St. Thomas Aquinas,
St. Raymond of Peñyafort,
Bl. Innocent,
St. Albert the Great,
Bl. John of Vercelli,
Bl. Amata,
Bl. Cecilia,
Bl. Emily,
St. Agnes of Montepulciano,
Bl. Margaret of Castello,
Bl. Imelda,
Bl. Margaret Ebner,
Bl. Henry Suso,
St. Catherine of Siena,
Bl. Raymond of Capua,
St. Vincent Ferrer,
Bl. John Dominic,
Bl. Peter of Castello,
Bl. John of Fiesole,
St. Antoninus,
Bl. Osanna of Mantua,
St. Pius,
St. John of Cologne and Companions,
St. Louis Bertrand,
St. Catherine de Ricci,
St. Rose of Lima,
St. Dominic Ibáñez and Companions,
Bl. Agnes of Jesus,
St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions,
St. Martin de Porres,
St. Francis de Capillas and Companions,
St. Juan Macias,
St. Louis de Montfort,
St. Vincent Liem,
Bl. Marie Poussepin,
St. Ignatius Delgado and Companions,
St. Dominic An-Kham,
Bl. Hyacinth Cormier,
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati,
Bl. Bartolo Longo,
All you holy Dominicans,

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, all you Dominican Saints and Blesseds, That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray, O God, source of all holiness, you have enriched your Church with many gifts in the saints of the Order of Preachers. By following the example of our brothers and sisters, may we come to enjoy their company for ever in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Announcement From Fr. Hilander

via Denise Harvey, WDP LPC President, February 17, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Below is an email from Fr. Augustine, letting us know that the whole order is praying for us today.


Please continue to keep Fr. Augustine in your prayers.

God bless you,


Dear brothers and sisters in St. Dominic,

During the last Dominican General Chapter in Vietnam, a prayer recommendation came up about praying a liturgical hour for each province and entity of the Order. Today, the 17th day of the even months, the whole order is praying for you. Our Dominican Priory in Seattle is praying midday prayer for you. May you thrive and grow in the graces of Jesus Christ and the charism of our Order.

This is the text of the prayer.

“Be with the Lay Dominicans as they follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Dominic; make them faithful to their calling and bless our Order with vocations.”


Fr. Augustine, OP

Chapter Suffrages

Holy Rosary Church, Portland, Oregon

On February 8, 2020, we gathered as a chapter for 8 am Mass, Rosary, and Office of the Dead. We offered this suffrage for all the deceased parents of members of the Dominican Order. Thank you all who attended, more than a dozen of us there praying and offering it up for their souls.