
From the Province

Just some catch up emails from our Provincial President, Denise Harvey:

Dear Brothers and Sisters, (Jan. 3, 2020)

Happy Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus!

Today is a great Feast day for the Church and our Province. Let’s spend the day praising, blessing and preaching Jesus’ Holy Name.

Below is the Holy Name Pledge, and on our website is a link to the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus (

I encourage you to take the Pledge and pray the Litany.

In Jesus’ Holy Name,



In the Name of the Father and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God And true man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
I believe, O Jesus, that thou art the Christ,
the Son of the living God.
I proclaim my love
for the Vicar of Christ on earth.
I believe in all the sacred truths
which the Holy Catholic Church
believes and teaches.
I promise to give a good example
by the regular practice of my faith.
In honour of His Divine Name
I pledge myself against perjury,
blasphemy, profanity and obscene speech.
I pledge my loyalty
to the flag of my country
and to the God given principles of freedom,
justice and happiness for which it stands.
I pledge my support to all lawful authority, both civil
and religious. I dedicate my life to the Honour of the
Sacred Name of Jesus Christ and beg that
He will keep me faithful to these pledges until death.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, (Jan. 7, 2020)

Happy New Year! Grace and Mercy to you in 2020.

The Master of the Order sent us a Christmas message, and his personal greeting.

We are blessed to have him lead us. Please continue to keep him in your daily prayers.

Also, Fr. Augustine sent us this notice on an upcoming event at DSPT. It’s a talk on “Evangelization by the Laity”. Lunch is provided. Please try to attend if you’re in the area.

God bless you on this feast of St. Raymond of Penafort,


Upcoming Event: Communicating Truth Evangelization by the Laity Saturday, Feb 1st at DSPT Lunch served – RSVP Required – Learn more
What is the Convocation of the College of Fellows? It’s a conversation. Please join us.
Watch Video

Are you unable to attend in person? This event will be live-streamed at

Dear Brothers and Sisters, (Jan. 16, 2020)

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season and a good start to 2020.

Please mark your calendars for our next LPC Meeting, on August 7-9. We will be meeting on St. Dominic’s Day!

As usual, I will send out the Convocation Letter a couple of months in advance.

Also, Kathy our Treasurer, will be sending out a notice for dues in a couple of weeks. Please let your Treasurer’s know.

Finally, Richard our Secretary, will also be in touch in a couple of weeks with the results of our Provincial PD vote.

Many blessings to you this year!


November Suffrages

St. Dominic by fra. Angelico

All Souls Day Suffrage for our Chapter was celebrated on November 2, 2019 at the Noon Mass (Dominican Rite) at Holy Rosary Church, followed by the Rosary and Office of the Dead. 16 Chapter members attended.

There will be a Chapter suffrage observance on November 9, 2019 at the 8 Am Mass, Holy Rosary Church, followed by the Rosary and Office of the Dead, for the souls of all Dominican departed. Please attend if you can.

New master of the Dominican Order

New Master of the Dominican Order

Congratulations to Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, O.P., who was elected by the General Chapter in Vietnam as the 87th successor of St. Dominic and 88th Master of the Order of Preachers, on July 13, 2019. A son of the Province of the Philippines, he has served as Rector of the Central Seminary of the University of Santo Tomas, Prior Provincial, and most recently as the Master’s Socius for Asia Pacific. In 2014, Pope Francis appointed Fr. Gerard to the Vatican’s International Theological Commission.

Let us give thanks to God and support him with our prayers.

Oh Joy! 10 Received or Professed into our Chapter.

June 23, 2019

Welcome to our members being received into the Dominican Order (Laity) or making Temporary Profession (Promises) to the Dominican Order Laity and our Rule and Particular Directory.

Left to Right:

Back Row: Mary Halvorson (Formation Director), Antonia Valdes (received), Loretta Huibregtse (rcvd), John Walsh (rcvd), Steve Silva (rcvd), Lloyd Maurer (temp. prof.), Cecelia Hoesly (prioress).

Front Row: Jim Woolf (temp. prof.) , Molly Woolf (temp. prof.) , Lisa Elliott (temp. prof.), Jackie Candello (temp. prof.), Felicia Summerfield (temp. prof.).

Schedule of Masses

As a gift to us, Fr. Augustine, Provincial Promoter of the Laity, will be celebrating a monthly Mass – throughout the year – for our chapters. Below is the schedule of dates. If your chapter has any special intentions during a particular month, please send them to me*.

       April 29th St. Catherine of Siena

       May 24th Translation of the relics of St. Dominic

       June 18th Bl. Hosanna of Mantua

       July 4th Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

       August 2nd Bl. Jane of Aza

      September 28th St. Lorenzo Ruiz

      October 30th Bl. Benvenuta Bojani

(The council will send the names of our deceased chapter members for November)

      November 8th for all OPL Holy Souls.

      December 8th Immaculate Conception

May God grant our Holy Mother Church, our Order, Province –  and all of us – an abundance of grace.

God bless you,

Denise Harvey

Lay Provincial Council President

*To Contact Denise, Send email to, and he will forward it to her