Mass for All Dominican Souls from St. Dominics S.F.
From Denise Harvey, LPC President:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
St. Dominic’s in San Francisco will be celebrating a Dominican Rite Mass for all Dominican Souls, tonight, November 9th, at 7:30pm.
Please join the Friars in this Solemn High Mass, as we pray for our Dominican brothers and sisters in purgatory.
May the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.
God bless you, Denise
All Souls’ Requiem 2020 on Monday, November 9th – LIVESTREAMED via YouTube, 7:30 p.m. I invite you to join us in remembering our beloved dead at this year’s Requiem, which will be on Monday, November 9th at 7:30 p.m. – the week after All Souls’ Day, and the same day on which we remember Dominican All Souls’. For 2020 the music will be the peaceful and pastoral Requiem by Gabriel Fauré. It’s a work of great beauty that will move our souls. I will direct a smaller choir than usual, and we will be using our wonderful new organ as the main accompaniment. As a Solemn High Requiem Mass, according to the Dominica Rite, its traditional elements will enable you to remember and pray for your loved ones. Our Prior, Fr. Vincent Kelber, O.P., will be the celebrant and preacher. As in past years, you will have an opportunity to make personal prayer intentions. We will remember especially those who have died from the Corona virus. The Mass itself will be livestreamed on our YouTube site so that you may watch and listen from the safety and comfort of your home. The link to the Mass will be available via YouTube. Please search under St. Dominic’s, San Francisco. If you would like the names of your family members and friends remembered in the program and at the altar, please email these by Wednesday morning, November 4th. (Even earlier would be appreciated.) We also invite you to consider making a donation in support of the 2020 Requiem Mass. Your donation will be used to help fund the future of our music program, including the special music for Advent and Christmas, which will also be broadcast on YouTube. You will be enabling us to continue bringing beautiful liturgical art to the community in the spectacular architectural setting with which we are blessed at St Dominic’s St. Dominic’s Schola Cantorum; Olivia Brown and Matthew Lovell, soloists; Harry Whitney, organist; directed by Simon Berry perform Fauré’s most sublime music in the context of Solemn High Dominican Rite Mass. Beautiful music, heartfelt Dominican preaching and soaring gothic architecture combine to provide a divine prayer experience. 2390 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94115. (415)567-7824. |
Online Retreat Available
Please Note: This conflicts with our Laity Sunday the 25th, but just in case this is being posted if anyone wants to participate:
From Denise:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This coming weekend Fr. Dominic DeMaio, OP and Fr. Serge Propst, OP will be hosting an online retreat (see link below). Fr. Augustine has recommended it for those who can participate. Please note, there is a $100 fee. But, of course, that goes to help the Friars.
Hope you’re all staying well.
God bless you, Denise
Dear Friends, I hope that this note finds you healthy and doing well. Please see the link below for details about an online retreat that another Dominican priest, Fr. Serge Propst, OP and I will be offering Friday, October 23 through Sunday, October 25. It would be wonderful to have you join us. Please share this link with other people who may be interested in the retreat. The cost is $100 for each computer connection. Please know that you’re held in my prayers. May God bless you. Take good care.
In Christ,
Fr. Dominic DeMaio, OP
John White Passes to the Next Life
——– Message ——–
Subject: | Our Lay Dominican brother has passed away |
Date: | Wed, 21 Oct 2020 17:16:54 -0700 |
From: | Cecelia Hoesly <> |
Reply-To: | |
Organization: | Rosary Center |
To: | Cecelia Hoesly <> |
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Our dear brother, John White passed away yesterday morning, 10/20/2020. John was annointed just a day or two before his death by the pastor of St. John the Baptist parish. John served the Church as a lector and usher, he was a St. Vincent de Paul representative, CCD Teacher at Holy Rosary Parish and Teacher by profession. As a Lay Dominican many of you will remember how he served on the council of our chapter as council rep and also for two terms as our Secretary.
The funeral will be held at St. John The Baptist Church in Milwaukie OR. I will give you more details as I receive them.
We will miss John’s smiling happy face and pray that even now he is with Our Lord in heaven.
In Our Holy Father St Dominic,
P.S. Here is the link to his obituary.
Letters to the Editor
—–Original Message—–
From: Roberta
Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2020 8:12 pm
Subject: John DeZell letter
Dear Holy Rosary Chapter members I saw this letter from our own John DeZell in the newest Catholic Sentinel and wanted to share it for those who didn’t see it. We miss John. He was very active in our chapter until COVID hit. He hasn’t been able to join our ZOOM meetings due to technology issues.
Tony Galati – “Our” Seminarian
—–Original Message—–
From: Roberta
Sent: Wed, Oct 21, 2020 10:30 am
Subject: Tony Galati
Sorry to fill up your in box but there was an article about the seminarians at Mt. Angel Seminary in the latest Catholic Sentinel that contained a picture and very nice quote from our own Deacon Tony Galati that I wanted to pass along. For those who don’t know him, Tony was a very active member of our chapter and served as Formation Director for a number of years. He was also active in the LPC and was LPC President as well. He felt the call to the priesthood and is now studying at Mt. Angel Seminary where he was ordained Transitional Deacon a few months ago and if God wills it, will be ordained to the priesthood next year.
God bless and I look forward to seeing all of you at our ZOOM meeting on Sunday.
Please Pray for Florence Dolan.
Mary would like us to post this prayer request on our website. Her mom’s name is Florence Dolan. Thank you, Cecelia
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Mary Gedeon <>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 1:21 PM
Subject: Mom in hospice
To: Cecelia Hoesly <>
Hi Cecelia,
We had to put my Mom on hospice as she has gangrene in her toes and part of her foot and there isn’t anything they can do. She has poor blood flow and has kidney failure and heart failure. I don’t know how long she has, but it could be days or weeks. The hospice nurse said her oxygen was low, so it could be sooner rather than later. She brought oxygen yesterday. The doctor has her on meds for pain of course and she said it should not be too painful. She has had so many problems with her foot.
Fr. Paul came yesterday to give her the Sacrament of the Sick.
I’m so sorry I forgot to send a thank you note for having a Mass for her earlier. I need to buy some notes.
Please keep her in your prayers.
She told my brother that God wants her to be with him. I think she is probably ready. Thanks so much.
Love In Christ and St. Dominic,
Mary Gedeon
Prayers for Peace for Portland
Archbishop Alexander Sample requests for all the faithful in the Archdiocese to pray the Rosary at 11 am on Saturday, October 17, 2020.
A livestream of the prayer event can be viewed at:
Answer to Prayers
From Denise:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On this great feast day we received the wonderful news that our brother Dirk Fulton’s vineyard was saved! He is very grateful for all your prayers. Thanks be to God for this saving grace.
We also received the beautiful email below from our sister Susanna Arkin, who lost her house in the early days of the fire. She is so grateful for all your prayers as well. Susanna’s testimony is a true witness to our faith. Her gratefulness, strength and trust is remarkable. She and her husband are moving forward with rebuilding.
We look forward to rejoicing the day her new house is completed! We thank God for her faithfulness.
Please continue to keep our wonderful brother and sister in your prayers.
God bless you! Denise
From Susanna:
Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. I do believe that prayers work according to God’s divine will.
Here is a picture of what our house looked like after the Holiday Farm fire swept through the west end of Rainbow, Oregon. The part that you see standing is the garage door, the rest of the garage is gone. Sadly, the stuff you see on the ground was the house and everything in it. All gone. When my husband went back to see the damage he was in tears. I wasn’t ready to see it physically.
> I am a daily communicant and am now attending Mass at St. Alice, in a different town, Springfield. I poured out our troubles to the Lord and He has consoled us and have touched the hearts of parishioners and Chapter friends who were praying for us. A married couple from my Chapter had graciously opened their home to us In Springfield for 18 days while they were staying with one of their children in Eugene. I thank God for everyone’s prayers and kindness. Our heavenly King seems to like our prayers and prayers matter. Once heaven was stormed with all the prayers, suddenly things started happening. We found a place to stay in Rainbow for a year, friends has helped us find a company that makes manufactured homes, we found a contractor who would build a new garage for us and build a deck around the house. I am so grateful and so happy that we have a plan moving forward. May God bless the plans and the rebuilding of our home and our lives. I trust that our loving God will guide and protect us on our journey. Through the trials the Lord has set before me, I have learned to lean on Him more and your prayers helps. Praise be to Jesus, my hope and my salvation.
> I am thankful for the fire fighters who are working long hours to suppress the fires. I pray for all the displaced people due to fires. May our good Lord protect them and provide for their needs. Thank you again for your prayers and all who are praying for me and all the people who are struggling and hurting in any way. Susanna
Quarterly Province Newsletter
Quarterly Newsletter – 3rd Quarter 2020
Fr. Augustine Hillander O.P.
Mrs. Denise Harvey O.P.
Mrs. Helen Nguyen O.P.
To see the rest