Invite to Class at DSPT via Zoom on The Foundations of Virtue

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Fr. Justin Gable, OP and Fr. Michael Hurley, OP are offering an online series of courses entitled, “The Foundations of Virtue”.
Both of these Friars are exceptional in their knowledge and in their faith. Please consider registering for this course. There is a fee, but if you would like to attend and are unable to pay, Fr. Justin will waive the fee for you (see his letter below).
Please send this to all your chapter members, and to any family or friends who may be interested.

God bless you through the intercession of Saints Philip and James,

Denise (Harvey, LPC President)

Dear Friends,
Good morning!  I am excited to let you know about a class Fr. Michael Hurley and I will be offering–the first in what we hope will be a series of courses in Ethics and Moral Philosophy–entitled “The Foundations of Virtue.”  We will be introducing key concepts and themes for understanding virtue and the ethics of Aristotle and Aquinas through a close reading of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.  Attached is a flyer advertising the class.  
Included in the flyer is a URL for course registration.  The cost is $100 (but we are more than glad to waive the fee should this prove a hardship for anyone wishing to take the class).  Class sessions are Saturday mornings, 10 AM to noon (Pacific Daylight Time) via Zoom, beginning May 15.
We’d be grateful if you would spread the word (including the URL).  For those of you in our Dominican parishes, might it be possible to add this to your parish bulletin?  Thank you so much for helping us!

Fr. Justin
Fr. Justin Charles Gable, O.P., Ph.D. Regent of Studies, Western Dominican Province 2390 Bush Street San Francisco, CA 94115
Associate Professor of Philosophy Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology 2301 Vine Street Berkeley, CA 94708
