Aquinas 101

I’ve got great news: the new trailer for Aquinas 101: Science & Faith has just been released! 

Can I ask you for your help?  It’s something small: would you forward this email to your friends, and encourage them to sign up for Aquinas 101?  (It’s completely free and will stay that way.)  

By signing up, they’ll learn from scientists, philosophers, and theologians about the harmony of truth — in order to dispel the illusion of conflict between science and faith. 

The potential impact of these videos is enormous. They tackle interesting (and sometimes difficult!) questions. It’s a great way to meet the challenges to the faith from contemporary skeptics.   

These videos provide clear, reasonable responses that affirm the importance of both science and faith. But that won’t matter if they don’t have an audience.

That’s why your help is so important! Would you help me spread the word by sharing this email? You might even share the trailer on social media. 

Because we want our subscribers to have every possible spiritual benefit, I offered Mass for you yesterday (and for all the Aquinas 101: Science and Faith subscribers) in our St. Thomas Aquinas chapel. You can find the Mass card here.  

In Christ,
Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.
Receive the latest video in your email inbox each Tuesday, plus readings and podcasts. The first video comes out next week! NB: If you are enrolled in Aquinas 101, you are already pre-enrolled in Aquinas 101: Science & Faith. 
Watch the Trailer Video
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