
Saint Statue for Cecelia Hoesly

At our November 28 meeting, this statue was shown to the chapter, to be given to Cecelia Hoesly in appreciation of her service as Prioress from 2015-2021 and 1994-2000.

St. Mary Magdalene is the patron Saint of Cecelia in the Order. She is also the second Patron Saint of our Province.

From John Walsh Re: Dobbs Supreme Court Case

We all are aware of the potentially momentous Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health Supreme Court case that begins oral arguments on Dec. 1.  I received a podcast from First Things that you might find interesting – I certainly did.  The 35 minute interview is with Prof. Robert George who teaches Jurisprudence at Princeton.  Prof. George does an excellent job of explaining in laymen terms all of the pertinent issues related to the Dobbs case, the precedents and historical background, what’s at stake, the positions of key Supreme Court Justices (some who he personally knows), possible outcomes, and then a very bold prediction.  He points out that neither Roe nor Dobbs deals with the emotional, moral issues of abortion – issues that we would put at the top of the list.  Rather, these cases deal with constitutional rights and legal positions.  Prof. George does an excellent job of covering these aspects of the case – the things that will decide the final decision of this case.  Highly recommended.  See the link below.

God Bless in Dominic.  Pray for Dobbs!!!


Happy Thanksgiving from Menlo Park

Happy Thanksgiving!

To our family, friends, and benefactors,

Gratitude fills our hearts today as we recall the many blessings we’ve received from God’s hands through your kindness and generosity. We wish you a joyful Thanksgiving overflowing with God’s love and mercy!

And now, bless the God of all,
who has done wondrous things on earth;
Who fosters people’s growth from their mother’s womb,
and fashions them according to his will!
May he grant you joy of heart
and may peace abide among you;
May his goodness toward us endure in Israel
to deliver us in our days.

-Sirach 50:22-24

Deo Gratias!

Read on »

Happy Thanksgiving from the Province

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Let us spend the day giving thanks to Our Lord.

Below is an email from our Provincial, who will be offering Mass for us today.
May Jesus protect and bless us all,
Have a blessed day and a Holy beginning of Advent,

As a perpetual reminder of our gratitude for God’s mercy and love, let us never forget that the word “Eucharist” is from the Greek for “thanksgiving”. 
Happy Thanksgiving!   Today we celebrate all of God’s good gifts: our family, our friends, our country, and especially the gift of our faith.    In a special way, we Dominicans remember you and the blessings that you have shared with us— gifts that make our life of preaching possible.    Most importantly, we remember your devoted friendship and prayers. Thank you for standing with us as we radiate the joy of the Gospel to a world that often forgets what we should be truly thankful for: the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord.    I’ll be celebrating a special Mass for you and your loved ones today. So, no matter where you are, know that we friars are there with you in spirit.    May God bless you, and happy Thanksgiving! 

In Christ,
Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. 
Prior Provincial 

Holy Rosary Parish Adoration to end Abortion

Join us for all-night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to end abortion beginning at 7 PM on Tuesday, November 30 until 5:30 AM on Wednesday, December 1. By signing up for an hour (or two!), you’ll be joining Catholics across the country in Eucharistic adoration on December 1, when the Supreme Court hears the landmark pro-life case, Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health. Please note the doors will be locked so knock on the glass door at the side entrance to be let in! Sign up here or call 503-235-3163.

Post-nominal initials OP for the Dominican laity

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you are all doing well and preparing for the Advent Season.

We recently received the attached letter from the Master of the Order, regarding the use of OP for laity.
In the letter, the Master confirms that we cannot use OPL but at the same time is not encouraging us to use OP.
For those who do want to use OP, it is mandatory that a prefix of Mr. Mrs. or Miss is also used. The requirement of this prefix has been mandatory since our previous Master changed the statutes on this. However, there have been many emails that have come to me, without using a prefix. Since this is a ruling from our Master, it is essential we make the effort to follow his direction.

Please remember too, that it is much more important to strive for initials in front of our name someday (St.) than to have them after our name, today.

May God always keep us in His Grace,

Denise (LPC President)

PS: Please forward this to your chapter members.

SOS – Prayers for Cuba

Antonia requested I pass on this very distressing plea from the people in Cuba who are suffering greatly right now. Lets continue to keep them in our prayers.

—–Original Message—–
From: Antonia Valdes <>
To: Roberta <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 9:38 am
Subject: Watch “Distressing S.O.S Call from Cuba to the World! Pray Now To The Eternal Father for Mercy! Forgive Us!” on YouTube 

Please let us 🙏. 

Pray for Dobbs

Many of you probably already got this email but I wanted to pass it on as this is a very important event for those of us who are concerned about the sanctity of human life at all stages. I think 8:00 p.m. eastern would be 5:00 p.m. our time.


—–Original Message—–
From: USCCB Respect Life <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 12, 2021 10:03 am
Subject: Nov 18: Join Thousands in Prayer

Next Week Pray for Dobbs: Historic Online Prayer Event Thursday, November 18 at 8:00 PM (EST) REGISTER Abortion takes the lives of over 600,000 babies per year in the United States. The upcoming Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is our greatest opportunity in a generation to change that.
This is the case that could overturn Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in all 50 states.
Join this historic online gathering bringing together Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians. Together, we will pray for a just outcome that protects millions of pre-born babies and their mothers.
Jesus says, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20).
Join us! *Registrants will receive periodic updates on the initiative. (You can unsubscribe at any time.) Model used for illustrative purposes only. NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
USCCB | 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington, DC 20017-1194


Advent Retreat Invitation

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you are all doing well!
The Blessed Fra Angelico Chapter in Modesto is inviting you to virtually attend their Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 11th, from 9:30-10:45am PST.

The title of the retreat is “O, Come Let Us Adore Him” and the presenter will be Father Sebastian White, O.P., Editor-in-Chief of the Magnificat, and Editor of the The Magnificat Adoration Companion.  Father Sebastian will share his thoughts and insights on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  There will be time at the end for discussion.

****To request to register, please send an email to: ***

This retreat sounds like a wonderful opportunity to meet Fr. Sebastian, especially since many of us enjoy reading the Magnificat. It is also a great opportunity to discuss the importance of Adoration. We have been encouraging all our members to increase their time in Adoration. When we spend time with Jesus we obtain transformative graces for ourselves, our loved ones, Church and world. We also console the Heart of Jesus, who sits alone in the tabernacle, watching the door, hoping for someone to visit Him. 

May God always keep you in His Grace,
