
Invite to Catholic Social Teaching class

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Fr. Justin Gable is inviting you to participate in Part II of his Ethics and Moral Philosophy Series, entitled, “An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching”. The class will be hosted by Fr. Justin and Fr. Michael Hurley. See email below for details.
One note, the class has a requested fee of $100. If you are unable to pay the full fee, or a portion of it, please let Fr. Justin know. He will gladly waive the fee. If you can pay, please do. This will cover costs associated with the class, and also serve as a donation to the Friars.

Stay well and stay holy.

God bless you!

Denise (Denis Harvey, Lay Provincial Council President)


Happy Feast of St Dominic from the Province

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Happy Feast Day of St. Dominic! 

Dear Friend of St. Dominic,

Today we joyfully celebrate the feast of our founder, Holy Father Dominic. In the 12th century, St. Dominic gathered a group of men committed to the truth of the Gospel. For 800 years, his followers the Dominicans have preached for the salvation of souls. 

When St. Dominic saw the confusion of his day, he responded with charity and clarity. 

Much like in St. Dominic’s time, today we are surrounded by confusion. We live in a world that no longer knows the Gospel— a world that doesn’t know the joy of the incarnation and the resurrection. 

But like St. Dominic, we are filled with hope!

Following in his footsteps, we continue to preach the truth with charity and clarity. Let us ask Holy Father Dominic for special strength to spread the Gospel in our own age of confusion!

St. Dominic, pray for us! 

In Christ and St. Dominic, 
Dominican Friars

P.S. Will you pray for our Novices? Join the Novice Prayer Pledge today!
VIDEO: St. Dominic’s Legacy!

VIDEO: St. Dominic’s Legacy!

From Denise:

Happy Feast Day!!
Let us give thanks to God for raising up St. Dominic to be a light in the Church and in the world.
As his sons and daughters, may we always keep that light burning.

St. Dominic, pray for us.

Have a blessed day!


Also, please Join The Novice Prayer Pledge 2021! Vestition is Sept 2, 2021.

St Dominic’s Novena from the Province.

From Denise Harvey, our Lay Provincial Council President, on 7/29/2021:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer!
We are fast approaching the Feast of our Holy Father Dominic. As you know, this feast day marks 800 years since St. Dominic’s entry into Heaven. As his sons and daughters, let’s prepare for this great feast by praying a novena together, as one family. This novena is composed by the Sisters in Nashville. It’s beautiful and reflective:

Let’s bring our personal intentions to this novena along with the intentions of:  Our Friars/ Brothers/Sisters/Nuns, increase in vocations, all deceased Dominicans, all the holy souls in purgatory, our Church, our Holy Father, our country and it’s leaders, an end to abortion and all laws that offend God, all who are ill, those seeking employment, an end to the pandemic, those who are traveling, an increase in the love of virtue, and a renewed love of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

This novena begins tomorrow, the 31st, and ends on St. Dominic’s day.  Please forward this to all your chapter members.
Thank you for your participation.
God bless you!


PS:  Our mini LPC Zoom meeting is also fast approaching! We are meeting on Saturday, August 14 at 9am PST         A Zoom link and an Agenda will be sent out the end of next week.

Thank You from Fr. Tony Galati

Received 7/22/2021

Fr Tony Galati sent us a Thank You card for the chalice and paten we gifted to him on his ordination day. He wrote

“Dear brothers and sisters in St. Dominic, Thank you, thank you! Thank you for the beautiful chalice and paten you gave me on my ordination day. I am grateful more than I can say. Archbishop Sample has requested that he consecrate it prior to my actually using it, and that hasn’t happened yet, but when it does, my first Mass with that chalice will be for your chapter. I’ll also try and get some photos of me using it. Know of my ongoing prayers for the chapter and its members who have been such a huge part of my formation over the years — Oh, so true! God bless you all, and I’ll look forward to seeing you at some point in the not-so-distant future. Fr. Tony Galati”

Chalice Image

Denise Messages the Province re: Fr. Tony

From Denise Harvey, Lay Provincial Council President

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your prayers for our former president, Fr. Tony Galati, who was ordained on Saturday. Photos of his ordination are attached.
Please continue to keep Fr. Galati, and all our newly ordained priests, in your prayers.

Also, our Fra Angelico Chapter in Modesto is inviting you to a presentation on St. Joseph, by Br. Joseph Murray. Br. Joseph is a former member of their chapter. He then discerned a calling to join the Oratorian Community as a Brother, in Washington, DC.  The presentation is on Saturday, July 10, and is free (flyer attached). Please join them if you can. It’s a blessing to witness the vocations of our members and of our member’s children. May God continue to bless our Church with vocations.

God bless you on this Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul!


Fr Tony Galati Ordintaion
Fr Tony greeted by Fr Vincent

Announcements from the Province

From Denise Harvey, Lay Provincial Council President:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you!

I wanted to give you a few updates on Chapter Meetings, LPC Meeting, Ordinations and Prayer Partners.

First, as our local state and counties have recently re-opened, many of our chapters have received permission to begin meeting in person.  This is a great grace and a sure sign of hope. But, several of our chapters have not yet been granted that permission.  For those chapters, we encourage the continuation of Zoom meetings.

Also, there are some members who are uncomfortable with meeting in person, either now, or in the near future.  This can be due to age or health risks. We ask the chapters to accommodate those members by continuing to provide the option of attending via Zoom.  

This accommodation brings up the possibility of admitting new members, who are geographically distant, to participate virtually.  Our recent experience with the pandemic, has given us the format to do this.  A few chapters have already begun the practice.  If a chapter is willing to consider the idea, there are a couple of aspects to keep in mind.

First, this allowance would have to be approved by the chapter. Second, a member participating virtually would still be required to attend the annual retreat and profession ceremony.  Third, the formation director would need to be in contact with the member individually, to ensure that formation and our daily duties, are being carried out. As a reminder, the option of receiving/ professing a member in a private meeting, is still in effect. This option was given by our Master, due to the pandemic.

Regarding our LPC, since California is among the states that fully opened this past week, we hope to have a date for our next in person meeting very soon!  That said, the state has allowed individual businesses to impose certain restrictions, as they see fit.  We will be working with the retreat center, to work out the logistics. I will be in touch with the reps as soon as we have a date confirmed.
And, as you know, our Mini LPC Zoom Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 14th at 9:30am PST. I will be sending out an Agenda closer to the date.

Second, as many of you know, our former president and member of the Holy Rosary chapter, Tony Galati, has been studying for the priesthood for the past several years. On Friday, June 26th he will be ordained in his local diocese! This is a great blessing to the Church. Please keep Tony, and all the newly ordained priests, in your prayers. Please also make sacrifices for an increase to the priesthood.

Finally, Fr. Augustine has blessed all our chapters with a special grace. He has asked the Nuns at our Menlo Park Monastery to be prayer partners for all our chapters! Each Nun is assigned a few chapters and is committed to praying for them each day. The list of Nuns/chapters is attached. I encourage each chapter to reciprocate by praying for the Nun who is assigned to them. This is a wonderful fellowship. It reminds us of our Order’s origin, when St. Dominic established the Nuns first, so they would pray for the Friars.

I hope you, your families and chapters are doing well.
You are in my daily prayers. 

May God bless you and Our Mother, together with St. Joseph, protect you.

Your sister, Denise  

From The Dominican Nuns at Menlo Park (Corpus Christi Monastery):

We are now set to praying for our Dominican Laity. Below are the sisters’ names. We are honored to pray for our Dominican Laity chapters.

No. Chapter NameCity and StatePrayer Partner
1St. Dominic of the desert – CIFGreen Valley, AZSr. Mary Isabel, OP
2Mary, Mother of TruthMesa, AZSr. Maria Christine, OP
3Holy TrinityPhoenix, AZSr. Amata Marie, OP
4St. Mary MagdaleneTemple, AZSr. Mary of the Holy Family, OP
5St. Martin de PorressTucson, AZSr. Maria Christine, OP
6St. Rose of LimaAntioch, CASr. Andre Marie, OP
7St. MonicaBenicia, CASr. Andre Marie, OP
8St. DominicEagle Rock, CASr. Joseph Marie, OP
9Bartolome de las CasasFullerton, CA Sr. Andre Marie, OP
10Queen of AngelsLos Angeles, CASr. Mary Bernadette, OP
11Corpus ChristiMenlo Park, CASr. Joseph Marie, OP
12Bl. Fra AngelicoModesto, CASr. Marie Dominic, OP
13St. Albert the GreatOakland, CASr. Maria Carmela, OP
14St. JosephOakland, CASr. Marie Dominic, OP
15St. AndrewRiverside, CASr. Mary of the Holy Family, OP
16Mary, Mother of the EucharistSacramento, CASr. Joseph Marie, OP
17St. DominicSan Diego, CASr. Katherine
18St. Dominic – CIFSan Francisco, CASr. Cecilia Marie
19St. Thomas AquinasSanta Paula, CASr. Mary Isabel, OP
20San JacintaVisalia, CASr. Katherine
21Sts. Catherine and Vincent – CIFYuba City, CASr. Maria Christine, OP
22Saint Margaret of CastelloBoise, IDSr. Amata Marie, OP
23Bl. Bartolo LongoLas Vegas, NVSr. Cecilia Marie
24St. Thomas Aquinas – CIFReno, NV Sr. Katherine
25St. Agnes of MontepulcianoEugene, ORSr. Mary Bernadette, OP
26Holy FamilyPortland, ORSr. Maria Carmela, OP
27Holy RosaryPortland, ORSr. Mary Isabel, OP
28St. Catherine of SienaSalt Lake City, UTSr. Amata Marie, OP
29Our Lady of Victory – CIFSalt Lake City, UT Sr. Cecilia Marie
30Blessed SacramentSeattle, WASr. Marie Dominic, OP

N.B. We are #27. Please pray for Sr. Mary Isabel, OP.

Covid Documents

On Pentecost Sunday, I was asked during the meeting to share my knowledge about Covid in a written document. I promised that I would get it done within two weeks or so. 
It has taken me a much longer time to do it because I came down with a very severe cold/flu two days after the meeting. 
Here is the document. Please distribute it to other members in the Chapter. I think it will take people a few hours to digest it. 

In Father Dominic, 
Doyen Catherine Thomas. 



Centenary of Corpus Christi Monastery, Menlo Park, California

Dominican Nuns O.P. May 24, 2021

“On the 29th of May 1921, it being the Sunday within the octave of the feast of Corpus Christi, five choir sisters – Mother Mary of the Rosary, Very Reverend Mother Prioress, Mother Mary Emmanuel, Reverend Mother Subprioress, Mother Mary of the Immaculate Heart, Sister Mary Agnes, and Sister Mary of the Visitation – two lay sisters – Sister Mary Rose and Sister Mary Thomas – and Sister Mary Benedict, touriere and natural sister of Sister Mary Rose, set out to found in San Francisco a new monastery with perpetual exposition and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament…”

Monastery Chronicles – Archives
Corpus Christi Monastery, Menlo Park, California